Wednesday, January 14, 2015

10 Ways to Revamp Your Relationship

  Sometimes you're looking for new things to do for your significant other . Maybe sometimes things aren't so good and you need to find new ways to fix your relationship or change things up. I've gathered up 10 different ways that I believe can help bring your relationship back to life and keep you both happy for the long run.

1.Corny Nicknames                                                                                                                                           When my fiance and I first started dating, I thought ,"I have got to have a great nickname or code word for each other". Corny I know, but we came up with KROD, which is "Dork" backwards.Having nicknames or a secret word or phrase between each other can be fun,especially when no one but you two know what you're talking about.

2.Surprise Romantic Dinner                                                                                                            Surprise your babe with their favorite meal. Set up the table with those candles put away in the closet and those champagne glasses you never use. Turn an average dinner night into a spicey "I'll see you later tonight" dinner.

3.Oils and Rubdowns                                                                                                                               Every once in a while my fiance and I will take turns giving each other massages (sometimes at the same time). I grab his liquid or lotion of choice ,and vice versa. Nothing like a good rub down here and there.


4.Compliments                                                                                                                                           Women never get tired of a good compliment. The same goes for men. Commit to trying to compliment your s.o. at least 2-3 times a day. Whether its on their looks or something small like a chore they finished,everyone enjoys a nice confident booster.

5.Random Gifts                                                                                                                                            Who says holidays are the only good reason for a gift? Show your appreciation by going out once a month or randomly picking up that hat your bf really likes or that adorable jewelry holder your gf just HAS to have. Random gifts show your love that they are thought of and deserve it.
6.Hidden Notes                                                                                                                                                   I once found 25 sticky notes that were left all over the house in random spots that said "I Love You". Leave a note on the mirror. On the fridge. Hide them in his/her lunch,drawer,car even in the shower. Perfect way to brighten your babes day.
7.The Couple that Games Together, Stays Together                                                                        Ever hear about the crazy gf that smashed her bf's game system because she thinks he's addicted to gaming. Or maybe the jealous girl who can't stand when he hangs with his bros all the time. Well, don't be her. Instead ,plop a seat down and invite yourself into the game or conversation. It shows you're making an effort and really,its not all that bad hanging with the guys. You might actually enjoy yourself.
8.Work Surprises                                                                                                                                       My fiance loves Butterfingers. I surprised him at work one day with a giant bag of them. Its no secret that men love food and that women love looking special in front of other people. Have a nice set of flowers delivered to her job. Send a nice food bouquet sent to his job. It could turn what was a crappy day at work into a not so bad day!
9.Affection                                                                                                                                                    You don't have to go overboard on the PDA. Simply holding hands or running your man/woman's back when you're out is enough. Nice random hugs or sweet kisses on the cheek or forehead go a long way. Be comfortable with each other and these actions,not just in public but at home.
10. Consideration                                                                                                                                          Be considerate of each others feelings. Don't make fun of each other or put each other down in front of other people. Don't make decisions based solely upon yourself. Try not to interrupt other when speaking and if there is to be venting or expression of frustration ,make sure you have enough self control to do it in moderation. Being selfish is among one of the biggest turn offs. Don't be a douche.

Shayla's Facebook
Instagram @beautifullymixedmutt

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