Saturday, January 17, 2015

12 Words We Wish Would Go Away

Over the years a lot of crazy words have been added to the urban dictionary. Some were even so popular that we rolled out a little red carpet for them to enter the Webster's Dictionary. Some of those that you might know may include baby bump , bromance, party foul , cougar and hell, I don't even mind pwned or selfie for that matter. The last few years however, things have been getting out of hand. It's as if people will come up with just about anything to beat having to use proper words or spelling out complete words. It's kind of pathetic. I'm constantly looking up words to see what they mean because I'm always behind on all these words.  Here are 12 examples of these that don't seem to be going anywhere, anytime soon. Sadly.

1. Damp - Damp is an expression for when you want to say something is awesome. Example: That movie last night was so damp!  Why can't we just stick to saying it's awesome? Damp has it's own real meaning. Let's leave it that way.

2.Throwing Shade - Forever I thought this meant to brush something off or help someone when they are felling down. No. I was wrong. It means to give someone an attitude accompanied by a bitch face. Surprise surprise.

3.Fleek - I'll be honest, I really thought fleek was a group of particular animals. Maybe birds perhaps. Nope. Wrong again. It means when something is on point. Example:  Those shoes you bought are on fleek!
Stupid I know.

4.Bae - Danish word for poop. However people are so lazy that after leaving out the extra "b" it would take to complete the word, they tried to sound smart and make it an acronym for "before anyone else". We see what you did there.

5.Twerk - Sexually vibrating your hips and butt when getting low or bending over. This can be done fast or slow or even one butt cheek at a time. Now it's no secret we've been shaking our asses forever when dancing, but twerking has opened up a whole new wave of competitions and apparently one has to be skilled in proper " twerking". Who knew?

6.Guap - Means  simply lots of money,or to have lots of money. Example: I made guap this week at work.

7.Cray - Another one of those words where leaving out one letter of the word makes it ten times cooler. Cray is short for crazy. Can also be used as cray-cray. 

8.Turnt -  I'm sure by now everyone has heard the term "turn up". Well "turnt" is when you've gone over the limit when getting turning up,meaning you're drunk or passed out or out of control.

9.Dweet - Very similar to drunk dialing or texting while drunk. Sweet means "tweeting on twitter " while drunk. Big no no.

10. Ratchet - I found myself using this word ONE time when I was so infuriated with the way this ghetto chick was acting in front of everyone at the local Wal-Mart. Meaning: A hotmess, diva of lower socioeconomic status, tries to hard and thinks she is every mans dream. Quite a few of these out there and there are many names for them.

11. Dis ,Dat and Doe - This , that and though. That's the correct and ONLY way to spell and use these words. Come on now.

12.THOT - That how over there. This is one of those acronyms that are NEVER used properly anywhere. Example: "Stay away from those thots."
How does that sentence even make sense?!? Stay away from those that hoe over there ,with an extra s?! Have some friggin common sense people.

So in conclusion, I hate all of these words and so do a vast majority of people. There is an image of our generation that is being deteriorated because of ignorant beings who can't speak or write properly, let alone know how to act. Use the knowledge you were taught and maybe some basic schooling skills and hey, pick up a dictionary every once in awhile 

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